Czech Cup Prague - Event
Date: 12 Mar 1994 - 13 Mar 1994
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Type: World Cup - Continental Open
Comparable competitions:
Average age of the medal winners: 22.9 years (24.1 years at all editions)
Youngest winner
Gella Vandecaveye 20 y 281 d
Radka Stusakova 21 y 203 d
Isabelle Schmutz 23 y 29 d
Youngest winner at all editions
Daria Bilodid 16 y 145 d
Ann Simons 17 y 215 d
Sosorbaram Lkhagvasuren 17 y 345 d
Oldest winner
Christine Cicot 29 y 184 d
Isabelle Magnien 27 y 154 d
Leonid Svirid 27 y 39 d
Oldest winner at all editions
Isabel Fernández 35 y 30 d
Esther San Miguel 33 y 361 d
Monica Ungureanu 33 y 49 d